
Why is Luton “Stepping Forward”?

todayNovember 10, 2023 206 3 5

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Why is Luton “stepping forward”?

“Step Forward Luton” is a new campaign launched by local individuals, business leaders, organisations, and companies to promote all things great about Luton.

The first public community event was held on November 1 at Luton Sixth Form, where residents were invited to join the campaign and become ambassadors to promote the positive image of Luton.

Gordon Brady, one of the ambassadors and Head of CPD (Continuous Professional Development) at the University of Bedfordshire, highlighted that “Luton has faced an undeserved reputation burdened by misconceptions.”. “Step Forward Ambassadors” and residents are convinced that there has never been a better time to be part of Luton and to shift the discourse around it.

Luton has become one of the fast-transforming UK’s most dynamic towns. With Premier League football and airport growth contributing to a £5bn economic boost, the town is an undeniable international brand, attracting professionals looking for vibrant and dynamic London commuter places to settle. “Step Forward Luton” has a mission to challenge the narrative and show that, actually, Luton has lots going for it.

The event was an occasion to recall the vibrancy, modernity, and diversity of the town. With a population of 225,300, Luton is one of the youngest and most diverse towns in the country, where 150 languages are spoken. “From our fascinating history to our vibrant cultural scene and exciting transformation, Luton has a story to tell. And we believe it’s time for that story to be heard loud and clear,”, said the ambassadors. Residents and volunteers are invited to join the campaign to support the Step Forward Luton brand and speak up for the town.

Written by: AUK RADIO

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